Scentre Group – Boatwood stools
Originally designed, locally made, boat-wood and steel, custom stools.
We have a long-standing, ongoing relationship with Scentre Group’s, Design and Construction Division and in particular Misha Hinden, Interiors Manager of Design.
Last year Misha approached us with an idea, to create a school style stool with recycled coloured timber slats for their Mount Druitt food court as part of the commercial furniture required for Westfield Mount Druitt’s extensive renovations. Through a collaboration between ourselves, Misha and Scentre Group we created and were able to deliver a unique custom stool.
We suggested Indonesian boat-wood for the timber slats and sourced and met with a few different suppliers out of Indonesia, before having samples flown in to show Misha. We worked on the shape and design of the frame based on some of the on-trend school style stools available, creating our own unique aesthetic whilst adhering to Scentre Group’s strict strength and durability criteria.
By working with Misha and our structural engineers, we produced design concept drawings on CAD which were approved. We used a local steel fabricator to create a prototype for the frame and a local joiner to cut and shape the wood and then assembled the stool in-house. Once the prototype was approved, we followed this same process to produce 60 units of the custom Boatwood stool that were made and delivered to Scentre Group’s, Westfield Mount Druitt food court.
Future plans include creating a custom Boatwood chair and rolling both the stool and chair out to other centres.